Love God


God requires everyone to love Him above all things. All things meaning our jobs, families, friends, possessions and even ourselves. This is the first and greatest of God's commandments to us all. Do the will of God, follow God's commandments! Click here for more information.

Mark 12:29-31

Listen to Mark 12

Love Others


God requires us all to treat one another as we would want to be treated ourselves. Love others as you love yourself is the second greatest commandment from God. Perform acts of kindness to everyone!

Luke 10:25-37 NLT

Listen to Luke 10

Resist Sin - Do Good

Resist all sinful or evil thoughts, intentions and actions. Love for God in heaven conquers all sin! Stop sinning!

Do what is right! Follow and live the good teaching of the Holy Bible! Do the will of God, follow God's commandments!

Galatians 5:17-26   Listen to Galatians 5
