Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark

If you read the book of Genesis chapter 6-9 in the Holy Bible (Read – Click Here) or (Listen – Click Here) it gives an account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man in God’s sight! Noah obeyed God’s commandments and His will! God instructed Noah to build the ark. God was displeased with the wickedness of mankind during Noah’s time and flooded the earth with water, destroying the inhabitant of the earth. Noah, his family and several species of animals survived the great flood as foretold in the book of Genesis.

Noah’s Ark was found many years ago on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. Mount Ararat highest peak is  about 16,854 feet above sea level. The Bible states in Genesis 8:4 NLT “exactly five months from the time the flood began, the boat (Ark) came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.” Ararat is said to mean “sacred land or high land”.

Mount Ararat

Everyone should ask themselves this question, “Why haven’t the media and leaders of this world acknowledge the fact Noah’s Ark existed and has been found?” The existence of Noah’s Ark is a indication the books of the Bibles are events that are true and actually happen!  In the book of Genesis 7:6 it stated when Noah was about 600 years old he completed the building of the ark and God flooded the entire earth with water. Can you imagine living that long. Noah actually lived to the age of 950 years old before he died. So, when geologists try to tell us that rocks are millions of years old, this is not true. God built the universe about 6000 years ago. Of course the earth is within the universe and was created around the same time. Human beings can’t comprehend the infinite creative powers of Almighty God in heaven! The Bible states (2 Corinthians 4:4 NLT)  satan is the god of this world and he has control over minds and actions of those who don’t do the will of God and who don’t believe in God or His Son Jesus Christ. (Read – Click Here) or (Listen – Click Here).  It is evident we are living in the last days!

Please view the video below which gives an account of the discovery of Noah’s Ark in Turkey on Mount Ararat. May God’s grace and power give you wisdom and knowledge to discern the truth from lies.

Noah’s Ark – Ron Wyatt’s Account